Crooked Arms – EFT


System Requirements:
[+] Intel & AMD
[+] UEFI Boot mode
[+] Windows 10/11
[+] Winver 1903(18362), 1909(18363), 2004(19041), 20H2 (19042), 21H1(19043), 21H2(19044), 22H2 (19045), 21H2 (22000), 22H2 (22621)

SKU: crooked-eft Category: Tag:



[+] Enable aimbot
[+] Aim Type:
– Mouse Movement – Sight Movement – Silent Movement
[+] Aim Priority:
– Distance – Crosshair
[+] Draw FOV circle
[+] Distance
[+] Enable Prediction
[+] Draw aim prediction
[+] Bone Selection:
– Head – Neck – Left/Right Elbow – Body(chest) – Pelvis – Left/Right Knee
[+] Bone change time
[+] Friendly check
[+] Aimbot Keybind

[+] Name
[+] Box
[+] Skeleton:
– Skeleton thickness – Skeleton draw distance – Skeleton type(Disabled,normal,health)
[+] Play side(Usec/Bear)
[+] Health
[+] Distance
[+] Friends
[+] Item in hands
[+] Level
[+] K/D
[+] Player worth
[+] Show all loot on hover
[+] Role of Bot(Scav, boss, etc)

**Open Loot List: 
[+] Barter
[+] Mods
[+] Ammo
[+] Specials
[+] Equipment
[+] Weapons
[+] Money
[+] Quest
[+] Food
[+] Meds
[+] Containers
[+] Lootable(Boxes,Jackets,Caches, etc)
[+] Corpse
[+] Other
[+] Selected

**Customizable Colors:
[+] Friendly
[+] Target
[+] Usec/Bear
[+] Boss
[+] scav
[+] Customize loot color by category

[+] Compensate all weapon effects
[+] No recoil
[+] No spread
[+] No sway
[+] Unlimted stamina
[+] No visor
[+] Night vision
[+] Thermal vision
[+] Ammo count
[+] Extractions
[+] Grenade esp
[+] Load mines(long raid load time)
[+] Draw crosshair
[+] Disable inertia
[+] Loot through walls

[+] Enable radar/compass
[+] Backlight distance:
– Position by x – Position by y – Size – Alpha

[+] Loot cost calculation by type:
-Base price – Flea price
[+] Loot/Extraction keybinds
[+] Open menu keybind

Crooked arms is completely StreamProof

Some users are experiencing software performance issues (on an Intel processor ). Use at your own risk
Developers are aware of the issue and are working on a solution.

Additional information


Day, 3 Day