Crooked Arms – DayZ


System Requirements:
[+]Intel & AMD
[+]Windows 10/11
[+]Winver 1903(18362), 1909(18363), 2004(19041), 20H2 (19042), 21H1(19043), 21H2(19044), 22H2 (19045), 21H2 (22000), 22H2 (22621)

SKU: crooked-dayz Category: Tag:


[+] Friends list (add friends to the list)
[+] Line
[+] Box 2D
[+] Name
[+] Item in hands
[+] Category
[+] Distance
[+] Skeleton:
[+] Size line skeleton
[+] Skeleton draw distance
[+] Backlight distance
[+] Corpses distance
[+] Show all loot on hover:
[+] alive
[+] corpse

[+] Animals
[+] Animal corpses distance
[+] Vehicle
[+] Show all loot on hover:
[+] Animal corpse
[+] Vehicle

[+] Keybind
[+] Enable silent aimbot
[+] Aim at:
[+] Zombie (Toggle on/off)
[+] Friends (Toggle on/off)
[+] Animal (Toggle on/off)
[+] Players (Toggle on/off)

Aim priority:
[+] Distance (distance priority)
[+] Crosshair (closest to crosshair)
[+] Draw fov circle
[+] Fov
[+] Distance
[+] Draw aim point (circle where aiming)
[+] Enable prediction
[+] Bones selection:
– Head – neck – Left elbow – Right elbow – Body – Pelvis – Left knee -Right knee
[+]Bone change time

[+] open loot list
[+] Navigation
[+] Clothes
[+] Medical
[+] Container
[+] Ammo
[+] Attachments
[+] Tool
[+] Consumables
[+] Melee weapon
[+] Weapon
[+] Camping
[+] Food
[+] Cooking
[+] Crafting
[+] Optics
[+] Radio
[+] Vehicle parts
[+] Cultivation
[+] Explosives
[+] Other
[+] Selected
[+] Loot count( displaying the amount of the remaining object)
[+] Loot quality
[+] Show all loot on hover

[+] Change category colors

[+] Enable radar/compass
[+] Enable map markers
[+] Draw players on map
[+] Draw zombie (radar, map)
[+] Show current position ( show your current coordinates)
[+] Backlight distance:
– Position by X: – Position by Y:

[+] Always light
[+] Disable grass
[+] Key selection:
-Disable fog – Disable rain – Enable 3d person – Disable overcast
[+] Draw crosshair

Additional information


Day, Week, Month, Wipe